Legal and General: A Rap Guide

Yo, let me take you on a journey
To understand the legal terms, no need to worry
First up, we got the court a quo meaning in law
Can’t go wrong if you know what it’s all about, what’s in store

Next, the legal and general agent hub, your one-stop shop
For all the resources for agents, make sure you don’t flop
Need to invest? We got the legal investment app for you
Helping you make the right moves, so you can’t lose

Street legal pit bike, that’s right, we got the pit bike street legal kit
Get your ride on the road, no need to quit
2016 Paris Agreement, something we all need to know
For key details and implications, check out the 2016 Paris Agreement flow

Breach of employment contract in Texas, we got the legal remedies for you
At Correct Impression, we’ll guide you through, that’s true
Need free court forms in California? Head to Creative Harinder, you’ll find what you need
All the forms for your case, so you can proceed

Drone agreement? Legal tips and templates at Ehsaas Program are here for you
Making sure your UAV contracts are solid and true
Natural law biology, understanding the biological basis of legal principles is key
Check out Body Goals PT, for knowledge that’s free

And last but not least, if you need a flatmate agreement, look no further
At Pet Smart Dog, we got the legal roommate contract template, a true saver
Now you know the legal and general, a rap guide for you
Understanding the legal world, making sure you stay true